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pro výpočet uhlíkové stopy společnosti.

CI3 Mission

CI3, s.r.o. helps companies and society on the way to carbon neutrality. Knowledge of the size of the carbon footprint and its structure is a key prerequisite for setting goals, schedule, and design of individual steps. CI3, s.r.o. is a partner of companies, public institutions, municipalities, and other organizations in solving issues related to climate protection policy and mitigation.
CI3, s.r.o. is a sister organization of CI2, o.p.s. It was established in the middle of 2021 and focuses on issues related to the carbon footprint, its reporting, verification or setting targets to reduce it.
You will soon understand that there is a difference between knowing the path and going along it.“ — Morpheus (film Matrix)


CI3, s.r.o. is a consulting company offering businesses, public institutions, cities, and other entities tailor-made services related to climate change and mitigation. These include analyzing the carbon footprint, verifying it, preparing policies, setting targets, and defining measures.We are based on the many years of experience of our employees, which they gained during their previous activities at CI2, o.p.s.
In cooperation with the sister organization CI2, o.p.s. then we also offer awareness rising of climate change in the form of various trainings, seminars, discussions, or assistance in the selection of offset programs for carbon footprint compensation.


Determination of the carbon footprint of the company

We offer you a comprehensive or partial solution for the analysis of the carbon footprint of a company or organization according to the international methodology GHG Protocol or ISO standard 14064:2018. The service includes individual and personal meetings and dealings in the analysis of greenhouse gases. The service also includes subsequent basic recommendations for measures to reduce the carbon footprint and also to set targets.
We offer verification of the carbon footprint of your company, organization, product or service. The calculation must comply with the requirements of the GHG Protocol or ISO standards 14064:2018 or 14067:2018. The output is a report that specifies the calculation of the carbon footprint in terms of data used, emission factors and the calculation itself and consolidates it with the requirements of standards.
Further on, CI3, s.r.o. also holds the official accreditation "Airport Carbon Verifier Certificate", which enables official verification of greenhouse gas emissions from airports. We offer independent verification of airports' carbon footprint (CO2 emissions under the Airport Carbon Accreditation Program. The program is formally supported by the European Commission, UNEP and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and involves more than 463 airports worldwide.
Part of the output is the inclusion of the organization in the Monitoring / Reducing CO2 Program, which is managed by the sister organization CI2, o.p.s.
The Company Carbon Footprint measures the effects of the whole society on the climate. It is an indirect indicator of energy consumption and the production of products or services. The analysis determines the amount of greenhouse gases (expressed in CO2e), which is related to the activities of the whole company and its supplier-customer chain..


Determination of the carbon footprint of the product

We offer you a comprehensive or partial solution for the analysis of the carbon footprint of a product or service according to the international GHG Protocol methodology or the ISO standard ISO 14067:2018. The service includes individual and personal meetings and dealings in the analysis of greenhouse gases from the life cycle of a product or service.
Part of the output is the inclusion of the organization in the Monitoring CO2 Program, which is managed by the sister organization CI2, o.p.s.
The Product Carbon footprint (PCF) is the sum of the greenhouse gas emissions and their declines in the production cycle of the products, expressed in CO2 equivalents (CO2e). The starting point of the calculation is the analysis of the product life cycle, and the only impact criterion is considered, which in this case is the total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). These emissions are produced and disposed of over a life cycle (eg "from cradle to grave"), from raw material extraction to waste production, use and disposal.


ESG reporting, Sustainable strategy

We offer you a systematic approach to ESG reporting. Together with CI2 and SUSTO, we have created a consortium to guide you through the entire ESG reporting and strategy. In the consortium, we have combined the three organisations' long-standing experience in the areas of responsible business, setting sustainable strategies, environmental reporting and determining carbon footprinting and climate action.
We can help you navigate the EU standards for ESG reporting. We will verify which topics are relevant in your industry based on research, recommendations and industry standards. We will help you identify what non-financial data business partners, banks or investors will want from you. And we'll define what opportunities or risks are relevant to you in the topics you report on.
Don't wait until the last minute to update your sustainability and ESG strategy. Let's get started together while there's still time!


Climate policy processing

We offer the creation of a corporate climate policy, or a policy to reduce the company's greenhouse gas emissions. The policy reflects the specific conditions of the company, is linked to its greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprint) and meets the requirements arising from the company's obligations to its owners, suppliers and international obligations.
In general, the company's climate policy aims at climate neutrality, which the European Union is heading for 2050. A suitable tool for setting goals and measures is the international initiative Science Based Targets, which helps to set effective and realistic targets. We offer advice related to setting such climate targets within this initiative.


Assistance within CDP reporting

CI3 is CDP silver consultancy partner for Czechia and Slovakia from 1 February 2023. It follows the cooperation since 2017 within the sister company CI2, o.p.s.
We help and advice within CDP reporting (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project). CDP manages a global environmental reporting system focused on businesses and cities, which aims to motivate entities to publish comprehensive information about their impact on the environment and natural resources and subsequently to demonstrably reduce this impact. CDP works in the areas of climate change, water, and forestry.
CI3, s.r.o. specializes in climate and water consulting. We will guide you through the entire CDP disclosure process and advocate for your company's successful rating.


Climate proofing

From 2022, the new EU legislation results in the obligation to prepare climate proofing for infrastructure projects financed by EU funds in the period 2021–2027. Climate proofing is a process that integrates climate change mitigation and adaptation measures into the development of infrastructure projects. It enables European institutional and private investors to make informed decisions on projects that qualify as compatible with the Paris Agreement. The process is divided into two pillars (mitigation, adaptation) and two phases (screening, detailed analysis). The detailed analysis is subject to the outcome of the screening phase, which helps reduce the administrative burden.

CI3 offers applicants for European finance for infrastructure projects processing Climate proofing in both parts (mitigation, adaptation) and both phases (baseline assessment, detailed analysis). It is based on the relevant European legal regulations and technical requirements (Technical guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure in the period 2021–2027 (2021/C 373/01).

Our rich expertise in the field of greenhouse gas emission calculations, development of adaptation strategies for cities and regions and related analyzes will help you succeed with your project applications and minimize the necessary expenses for related assessments.



logo: AEC, a.s.logo: AL INVEST Břidličná, a.s.logo: ASES GROUP, s.r.o.logo: ČD, a.s.logo: Cleverlance Enterprise Solutions s.r.o.logo: CPI Property Grouplogo: DATASYS s.r.o.logo: Dedoles, s.r.o.logo: Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o.logo: Direct pojišťovna, a. s.logo: E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o.logo: Exportní Garanční a Pojišťovací Společnost a.s.logo: Fosfa, a.s.logo: Kofola Československo, a.s.logo: Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s., Vienna Insurance Grouplogo: oncomed manufacturing a.s
logo: MEGATECH INDUSTRIES AKTIENGESELLSCHAFTlogo: MONETA Money Bank, a.s.logo: Moravia Cans, a.s.logo: MORAVIA PROPAG, s.r.o.logo: Nano Energieslogo: Pražská energetika, a. s.logo: Prusa Research a.s.logo: Rajo, a.s.logo: Remarkplast Compounding s.r.o.logo: SCHENKER spol. s r.o.logo: TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a.s.logo: TV Nova s.r.o.logo: Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.logo: Výzkumný Ústav Železniční, a.s.

CI3 s.r.o. has already had successful cooperation with several Czech and foreign companies. The selected of them are displayed in the above section in the form of logos. It also lists those with which the sister organization CI2, o.p.s. cooperated, whose agenda in determining and verifying the carbon footprint the company CI3 s.r.o. took over in mid-2021.



mapa: Jeronýmova 337/6, 252 19 Rudná

Are you interested in CI3 services?
Fill in and send your contact, we will contact you:

CI3, s.r.o.
Jeronýmova 337/6, 252 19 Rudná
Oldřichova 517/33, 128 00 Praha 2 - Nusle
+420 736 162 066
CZ11667770, The payer of VAT
C 352575 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze

People in CI3

foto: Josef Novák

Josef Novák

Executive director, specialist

foto: Viktor Třebický

Viktor Třebický

Executive director, specialist

foto: Michal Václavík

Michal Václavík


foto:  Richard Fleischhans

Richard Fleischhans


foto: Linda Antoňová

Linda Antoňová

PR specialist

foto: Vladimíra Khajlová

Vladimíra Khajlová


foto: Lubomír Bartoš

Lubomír Bartoš


foto: Petr Koňata

Petr Koňata


foto: Tomáš Čížek

Tomáš Čížek


foto: Marek Trošok

Marek Trošok


Sister Organization

CI3 Partners

logo: Asociace společenské odpovědnostilogo: CDP silver consultancy partner in Czechia and Slovakialogo: SUSTOlogo: Výzkumný Ústav Železniční, a.s.logo: Squelle Grouplogo: Computer Systems Consulting, s. r. o.

CI3, s.r.o. during its operating on the Czech and foreign markets, has built above-standard relationships with several companies with which it has a cooperation agreement. This guarantees, among other things, quality, and reliability.

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